Training for PSEs on Climate Change

Indian Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) are key stakeholders in India’s climate action journey. They contribute a significant portion of India’s GDP and work in hard-to-abate sectors like oil & gas, energy, metals and minerals, and infrastructure. Therefore, it becomes imperative to quickly onboard PSEs in the low-carbon transition to help them achieve long-term results, thereby contributing to India’s climate targets. Recognizing this need, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) India entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), as a part of the BMU funded project called ‘Global Carbon Markets’, to work together on enhancing and building capacities of PSEs on climate action. This includes exploring options to help PSEs adopt low-carbon technology, increase resource efficiency and enhance sustainability in their operations. SCOPE and GIZ India conducted a training needs assessment (TNA) of the PSEs to understand the level of knowledge related to climate change that the PSEs currently possess. This exercise highlighted the practices and activities that the PSEs have in place to address climate change, and also put forward the capacity building requirements of the PSEs. This TNA involved extensive consultations with twenty PSEs, including one-on-one interviews with key officers from each organization. The TNA paved way for a comprehensive training course, with modules covering key aspects of climate change mitigation to enable PSEs to embark on low-carbon development pathway.

On 20th September 2021, SCOPE and GIZ India organized an event to launch TNA Report titled “Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Pathways for PSEs: Training and Capacity Needs Assessment”. The event was attended by prominent stakeholders, including from the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, and The German Embassy to India, and senior management from the largest PSEs of India that work in hard-to-abate sectors.

Further, 3 training workshops based on the training course have been conducted for senior officials of the PSEs; for the Northern Region in New Delhi on 21-22 Sept 2021, for the Eastern Region in Bhubaneswar on 28-29 Sept 2021, and for the Southern Region in Bengaluru on 13-14 Dec 2021. The 2-day training workshop covered several aspects of climate change from the global and Indian context. Through presentations, discussions, activities, and case study analyses, the participants were introduced to global and Indian climate policy; carbon pricing mechanisms; carbon markets and associated opportunities; and climate financing.

Training Modules


Photos of the Training Events and Book Launch.

Photos of the SCOPE-GIZ Events.